
To achieve the desired results of the whole it is necessary to select elements with the chemical characteristics which will react as needed with each of the other chosen elements individually and all together thusly contributing to the manifestation of the whole wanted results.

This principle is required for the highest level of achievement for any composition whether it be tangibles such as cooking, writing, creating art, physical manner or intangible such as mental, emotional, or psychological expressions.

Many of the residential interior designed spaces from international sources which have come across my desk in recent months have failed to apply this principle which has produced not the highest level of aesthetic results.

With the expendable resources available in these situations not applying this principle shows a lack whether of knowledge, interest, or integrity.

Many of these published examples go to great lengths to list manufacturer, model, color, source, history, brand, et cetera, which is excellent if such is their ultimate goal.

However, this information for the selection of these elements does not in and of itself make the choosing of these elements the best choices for the highest level of the designed space aesthetics.

Is not how it taste the primary goal for what you choose to eat?

Is it then not of merit for how it looks aesthetically to be a primary goal for choosing the elements of the interior spaces in which you live and move and have your being?

Choose your elements carefully, thoroughly, and intelligently.

Food for thought.


To be successful it is necessary for all aspects of a designed residential interior space to blend together.

An important part of that blending success is acknowledging that when it comes to physical comfort people came in many different sizes, shapes, preferences, and cultures.

One size does not fit all.

What is comfortable is an individual choice.

The physical characteristics of persons who will primarily be using the space can be a beginning point.

Some choices of furniture, such as dining room chairs, can be used comfortably by a physical variety of persons.

When the function, aesthetics, comfort, and desired goal of ambiance all come together as one complete whole, an achieved endeavor results.

Food for thought.

New Year

In less than two calendar days we begin a new calendar year.

Taking a look at the past year, it’s goals, accomplishments, growth, progress, mistakes, et ceters is a procedure used by many as a mile stone and a factor for planning and setting the flavor and goals for the coming new year.

Utilizing this same approach toward your residential interior living environment is a wise step toward a more complete and quality personal lifestyle.

Are you happy, content, comfortable, and at home where you have been living for the past twelve months?

Does your residential interior environment fulfill all of your functional needs well?

Is there something that needs to be added, replaced, repaired, improved, et cetera?

Take an objective observation all around and evaluate what you see.

Plot, plan, budget, and proceed accordingly to your desired goal results.

What you think and the execution there of will determine what is manifest in your life.

How do you want to live?

Go for it!

Food for thought.

Christmas Decorations

Christmas decorations have made their way into public view for many weeks before the actual holiday.

It is the one time of the year when there are no restrictions on personal expressions for one’s home environment.

It is also the time of the year when the principles of aesthetics seem to be disappeared.

Even some persons in design businesses seem to have lost their way.

Anything goes.

And many times it goes badly.

Of course the ultimate result for these expressions is joy.

But let us not forget that intelligence, and the quality there of, also plays a role.

If the resources expended to holiday foods were also used for residential holiday decorations, the results would be greatly enhanced.

People choose to express themselves at their where they are level especially when emotional expression is dominate.

By all means, be your self and let us not overly judge expressions of joy.

In the world of which we now live any and every joy should be embraced and appreciated.

Food for thought.


Tis the time of year when the world goes over board with decorations.

Businesses, residences, and spaces every where are decorated with good cheer and a joyous mood is expressed with individual manifestations of different beliefs, traditions, and life styles.

Most people are of the position that such makes them feel good and it’s a good thing.

What about decorations affecting our emotions for the rest of the year?

Are you aware of how the design and decoration of our interior spaces, as well as the outside spaces of architecture and landscaping, affect our emotion and psychological and physical senses of being?

What would happen to people everywhere if for the rest of the year we exerted as much to our interior environmental ambiance as was done during this holiday season?

Positive environments give us comfort and incitement.

Numerous studies have shown that our interior environments affects our tangible and intangible behaviors.

The laws of physics and the principles of design manifest the results of how they are used.

Be of good cheer enjoying and appreciating your own state of being during this holiday season thinking of how such can be your overall life in the times to come.

Food for thought.


A top executive at one of the world’s best known multi-billion dollars international companies once fulfilled her need to inform me of the residential interior design profession.

Residential interior designers have a single specialty or niche for their talents and there is where they stay.

They are limited in their imagination and creativity.

They do not have the where with all to express design above and beyond where they are.

These positions were stated to me with the utmost confidence, poise, and strength that superior economic and social status can make.

Most of us are familiar with what comes out of the rear end of a male cow.

With talent, creativity, knowledge, experience, education, and imagination there is literally no limit as to where residential interior designers, as well as many other professions, can creatively go.

Observing human behavior in it’s natural environment over the years has manifest many situations where the bright light of arrogance blinds people to the reality of what is outside and beyond their occupied space and of what they are unaware and are missing in their lives.

Take off your blinders and open yourself up to the magnificence life has to experience.

While having your daily being in the spaces where you live what do you see, feel, and experience ?

Food for thought.

Experiencing Aesthetics

Every human being on the planet is a manifestation of what has happened since the big bang.

Each person is on their individual journey learning how to navigate in their own way for this experience we call life.

In any society civilization there are different levels of where people will, or will not, be on the same page and wave length with each other.

This situation is also evident in the different ways we as human being are aware of, experience, and appreciate what is known as aesthetics or beauty in our lives.

Aesthetics, as we experience it, is a manifestation of line, color, mass, form, and texture composed with which the atoms in our brains react positively.

With in the residential interior profession there are usually positions where agreement, with some minor differences, is congruent as to what is good aesthetic design.

This level of beauty is totally obtained by the laws of physics and the principles of aesthetics.

There are some in the various residential industries who are of positions that other aspects are a factor in the quality level of residential aesthetics.

There is no tangible evidence to support those positions.

Wearing expensive and rare designer clothes in these spaces does not affect the interior design there of.

Who lived there, who slept there, or whose ancestors did something there does not affect the interior spaces.

The location and the price tag of interior residential spaces does not affect their aesthetics.

The rareness, history, and background do not affect aesthetic qualities of the physical.

So, when you are experiencing a residential interior design, what thoughts, other than the physical beauty there in, go through your mind?

How do these aspects affect your acknowledgement and appreciation of the beauty in these spaces?

Food for thought.


What is the function of a house?

How are houses described and listed?

The number of square feet and number of bedrooms is given as if such fulfills all living there requirements.

When it comes to the design of individual rooms and spaces inside houses the overall size and shape of rooms are determined and then the functions are fit into said spaces.

Construction must proceed from outside to inside.

It is the size and shape of the spaces that determine what can be done there.

The execution of the functions of the spaces are determined by the physical shape of the room vs spaces being determined by their functions.

Which appears more intelligent and logical for functional activities?

We’ll select a space and then we’ll have the desired functions fit there in or we’ll use the functional activities of spaces to determine the size and shape of the spaces in which they will occur.

What are the functional activities of a house and how does such determine it’s size and shape for most of the living structures on this planet?

Are square feet and number of bedrooms the most important two factors determining it’s manifestation?

Being well aware of the finances, labor, time, et cetera in the construction of houses, it is of merit to think, imagine, and visualize at a higher more creative level to advance aesthetic levels of civilizations to advance our existence on this planet.

What is the function of a house and and where are we in how such is manifest in today’s society?

What is the creative intellectual aesthetic level of the spaces in which you choose to live and be for your existence on this planet?

Food for thought.

Invisible Dangers

In the course of human civilization man has made use of many chemicals combinations to enhance and improve it’s existence.

These changes were thought to greatly advance and improve life and were normally accepted practices of the times.

As time passed and knowledge increased it became known that many of these chemical uses were dangerous and some could be deadly.

Their biggest danger is that they are invisible.

We can’t see, touch, or hear the dangers so that we are unaware of that presence.

Paint, furniture finish, fabric, carpet, cleaner, and flame retardant are some examples where these dangerous combinations have been used in their manufacturing process.

In this process, as in many processes in life, it is wise to be aware of danger and to use intelligence, logic, caution, and priorities in moving forward.

At the present time there is no entity, government regulation, or nutrition chart of these dangerous combinations for the general public.

There are movements on to eliminate these combinations, not only for interior design but in all situations, for our own health and for the health of our own planet.

May they continue.

Are you cognizant of this factor for the indoor environment in which you live?

Food for thought.


The periodic table lists all known chemical elements with their recurring properties.

All physical things are composed of various compositions of these elements.

The combination of the contained elements with their reacting properties to each other determines what is physically manifest.

These are physical laws of the universe.

These same physical laws are present in the manifestation of aesthetics.

The elements of aesthetics are line, form, mass, color, and texture.

The combination of these elements with their reacting properties to each other determines the manifest aesthetics.

The evolution of mankind and the accomodating principles of aesthetics have determined what we see and experience as beauty in today’s world.

When you experience beauty, especially in your residential environment, what do you see, how do you see it, and how do you react to what you see in relation to these physical laws?

Food for thought.