180 Degrees

180 degree positions are exact opposites of each other.

The current competitions between the Republicans and Democrats in this country are sterling examples of such.

The current status of affairs relating to residential living situations that come across my desk also often manifest this position.

What changes, additions, and improvements made to residential structures that increase saleability and financial returns are presented with the pros and cons of each.

A similar presentation will give a 180 degree position.

The same situations are present in other aspects such as finances, locations, views, curb appeal, antiques, designer furnishings, art, construction materials, workmanship, techniques, sources, maintenance, style, fashion, status, et cetera.

How does a lay person navigate such a confused and irrational state of affairs?

First, research and analyze who is presenting the position for their education, background, experience, where, when, how, and why they are taking this position.

Is this position being made as an informative and educational one or is it a paid, promotional, or endorsed one?

What are the ambiance, financial, status, style, fashion, et cetera results of this position’s manifestations?

Is adhering to this position congruent with your personality traits, likes and dislikes, life style, and functions of living?

Completing such gives you some information to make an intelligent, beautiful, functional, and discerning decision.

There is a flood of false and unworthy information in almost all media in our civilizations today.

Be aware.

Choose wisely.

Food for thought.