No Music

Google describes “a period of silence in a composition” of music as a rest.

During that period of silence the musical instrument with a rest is not played.

This rest is a necessary part of the total composition.

That part, and the affectation of it with all of the other parts, determines the level of quality of the experienced results desired by the composer for the entire whole musical composition.

This principle can be also applied to the aesthetic results for the design of residential interior spaces.

Not every space has to be filled.

Whether for minimum or maximum aesthetic style design goals results this composition approach principle can be applied, but it is also not essential, for all residential interior design compositions.

And all residential interior spaces are compositions whether you recognize or acknowledge it or not.

The whole composition via the affection of each individual part with all of the other individual parts is what determines that the result is more than the sum of it’s parts.

What affects do you experience in the residential interior spaces you occupy?

How does such engage you?

Food for thought.