The Big Picture

What are the factors that make for a successfully designed residential interior?

Think of it as a project with the ultimate goal a complete total interior environment of residential living that is functional and comfortable for what it will be used, is highly aesthetically pleasing, and reflects the personality and life styles of the people who will be using it.

It is a project in which every thing to and inside it should advance to the ultimate goal.

Be aware of how the laws of physics and the principles of aesthetics affect each other and the total results.

It is a complete total whole in which each and every part and space contributes to the resulting whole.

What is the level of quality to be chosen?

How important is what is liked vs what is good design?

There needs to be a final decision maker for each decision whose responsibility is to achieve the agreed upon desired results.

How do the factors of location, finances, time, regulations, et cetera affect the project?

Are resources, trends, popularity, availability, status, tradition, current times, and culture factors necessary considerations?

What is the big picture where you live and have your being?

Food for thought.