“I don’t know anything about art, but I know what I like”. People who makes such a statement are usually very enthusiastically responsive is stating their position. How many time have you heard this cliche? What does it mean to know what one likes about art ( or anything else ) ? If you like something, it is because it satisfies you, it gives you pleasure, and it is comfortable.
There are myriads of reasons why we like something from our current environment, our upbringing, and going back all the way to our DNA. What we like fits us like a comfortable shoe.
But shoes wear out after a period of use and we have to buy new ones. The same can be said for what we like or our taste (which is the same thing ) . Explore, experiment, go in a different direction. Shake things up. Life is constantly changing and evolving. Live in the present.
In farming, you rotate where you plant crops. Planting the same thing in the same field year after year gets soil and plants out of balance and produces poor results. Plants need cross pollination to grow. The same can be said for our tastes.
Choosing such a path creates a lively, nurturing, significant, and fulfilling lifestyle. Life is expressed. Not merely existed.
It is of merit to grow, expand, improve, and seek a higher level of expression. Raise your bar! Get out of your rut.
These changes should affect us intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, and physically in a very positive manner. If it doesn’t do that, you’ve missed the boat.
Live it, enjoy it, appreciate it, and never use it to snob, lecture, or make others uncomfortable.
Remember. You are your own unique personality. Respect the pollination of life.
Food for thought.