That which we call taste is what you like. It is what works for you. It is the choices that you make to satisfy your needs, emotions, intellect, educational level, and what fits you inside. It is like your personality. It’s you.
The existence of taste does not depend upon it’s quality for it’s existence.
Interior design taste is like water. It always finds and remains at it’s own level. It cannot go where it is not true to it’s being self.
Who determines what is ” good taste ” ? How much is design standards, laws of physics, and aesthetic principles, and how much is personal knowledge and preference? What are the factors being used?
How much of ” in good taste ” is evaluated using the traits and characteristics of aesthetics and how much is based on snobbery which is usually of an economic and social status nature?
It is not possible for a person to have no taste. Such a person would not exist. One can have good taste or bad taste or any degree in between, but it is not possible for one to have no taste.
Is there any thing such as good taste for all humanity or it it determined by individual cultures?
Economic value, social status, intelligence level, education, political affiliation, address, race, job, religion, and other factors may be a factor in determining one’s taste, but none of these in and of it’s self makes it.
Good taste cannot be inherited, bred, bought, given, or assigned. It must be learned which can be accomplished by many methods.
Good taste is like good cooking. It makes the whole experience better.
Is good taste a hallmark of an advanced civilization?
How well do you know your own taste and how important is such to you?
Food for thought.
If there is any subject or aspect of interior design that you would like to appear in this blog, send an e-mail. Thanks.