Beauty Via Michaelangelo

Michaelangelo is one of the most outstanding artists who ever lived in many of the arts.. His works for hundreds of years and through our present time have been seen, admired, and appreciated by millions of peoples from around the world.

His conception and execution of beauty goes up and above that of genius to a level we can only admire with awe.

From where did it all come? What was the source of his talent?

He could conceive the completed aesthetics and only had to execute it which, of course, took time and talent.

He was aware that those of us who live on this planet and see beauty can experience the celestial perception from which all beauty comes.

That of which we are aware is but a hint of what can be.

To experience, appreciate, and enjoy the beauty of our living spaces we have to perceive the beauty that is there and manifest it to our own level of understanding. This result takes the expenditure of many different resources.

As you go about your day-to-day living in interior spaces how aware are you of the beauty therein? How does it affect your experience of life in a positive manner? Would you like to stay where you are or move up to a higher level of beauty and the joy of living?

There is no limit as to what we can experience in aesthetics during our lives. Creativity, imagination, intelligence, new resources, and the advancements of civilizations present unlimited opportunities.

Who are you, where are you, and where do you want to be for the beauty in your life?

Food for thought.