“In the library”

  Several years ago I was invited to a reception, including champaigne and cavier, at a house is a very high economic-social status neighborhood.

  After arriving properly dressed, on time, and greeting people, I was told that the bar was in the library.

  I went into the library and gave the server my preference.

  I looked around. I looked around. I looked around. No books could I see.

  There was a rocking chair that looked as if it had come from the back porch of a country house and I was later told that it had been in the family for generations which seemed to be very important.

  Since I was in the library, I continued to look for books. After all, aren’t books one of the main reasons to call an interior space a library?

  Low and behold, I looked up and there were the books. A wallpaper border with a pattern of books was at the top of the wall next to the ceiling. Wow! Wallpaper books. What an intellectual, functional, and educational choice.

  If for what ever reason you choose to call an interior space something, it should be what it is called.

  If you call a room something which it does not fulfill that function, you are acting, wishing, snobbing, or something else, and you are being a hypocrite. How does being such a person enhance your reputation and what does it say about your character?

Is such how you want to be known?

Interior spaces should be and functional what they are called.

Food for thought.