Light is the single, biggest, and most important aspect of all designed interior spaces.
Because of the special relationship between this planet Earth and the sun, light is changing constantly by the movement of heavenly bodies and is most pronounced and noticed during the peak times of each of the four seasons. What we see and how we see it changes constantly through out the year.
Winter light is less pronounced because of the shorter days, more grey clouds overhead, and precipitation – especially snow.
And yet, on a sunny day, a brilliant pure white light is reflected from the snow.
This reflected light is brighter and affects the light coming through our windows and thus the light of our interior spaces.
Because of the less over all brightness of winter light, many people experience what is called a seasonal mood disorder of the blues and blahs. If such happens to you, spend more time in brightly lighted spaces and around live plants. A temperate green house is an excellent place to visit.
One former client did not like the angle of the winter sun light because it always made her windows look dirty.
The winter season is also a good time to indulge in warm and cozy, close, and people activities or just to curl up with a good book or music or restful and refreshing quiet times. With interior spaces designed for such activities they comfortably and easily fall into space.
Treat yourself to the subtle changes in day light and the many types, uses, and colors of man made light.
Life is better, more enjoyable, and deeper if we let ourselves go and experience the characteristics of each season and appreciate beauty in all of it’s forms in all seasons.
Food for thought.