” My tastes are very simple. I am satisfied with the best.”
Oscar Wilde
What a delightful position. How does it apply to one’s personal life?
Your personal tastes are those choices that you make for the things that you like. What is the best for your taste?
In the designs of a residential interior, there are many choices available. In addition to choosing what you like, you must also choose that which is functional. The two have to go together.
Functionality is necessary for tastes you choose to be of merit. If it is not functional, it is not of merit. If it is not of merit, it is of no use.
Aesthetics and uses individually or together may may be factors in functionality.
If you are to be satisfied with the best for your taste, you should choose that which is the best for the functional including quality materials, construction, performance, and use.
Personal taste choices are usually an emotional manifestation and functional choices are usually an intellectual manifestation. For the best results, the two blend well together to make a complete whole.
Then you have the best.
Food for thought.