Webster: “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination in the production of aesthetic objects.”
Art of the appropriate quality, flavor, and style can be a completing final touch to the design of our residential interiors in much the same way as herbs, spices, seasonings, et cetera completes the tastes of foods.
Art is not limited to just beautiful objects that are placed as part of the aesthetic composition of an interior space.
Using the principles of aesthetics, the laws of physics, creative imagination, and an intelligent approach, the entire interior space can be designed as a work of art as well as the entire structure of the residence itself.
Consciously, or unconsciously, we react to beauty in the choices we make and to our to our physical environment.
The higher the intellectual level and quality of the art that we view, the longer and more satisfying will be it’s nuturing
At what level and what role does art play in the design of your residential interior?
The choice is yours.
Food for thought.