Old & New

When something is old, age, in and of itself, does not necessary make it good or bad.

When something is new, such, in and of itself, does not necessarily make it good or bad.

For some people, however, old and new are extremely important factors in the design of their residential interior spaces.

One group is of the position that old is the plus ultra interior design as it represents the highest economic-social level of status and is, of course, the gold standard . The older, more shabby, more worn, more faded, et cetera it is, the better they like it.

The quality of the design, materials, aesthetics, functions, practicality, logic, et cetera are not always contributing elements to the design composition.

God forbid anything that hints of “nouveau riche”.

Then, there is the segment of the population which is 180 degrees from that position. Everything has to be the newest, most advanced, most functional, most efficient, most logical, smartest, best quality, most intelligent, et cetera, and thus is the highest level of status for the current time.

Any thing old is strictly not allowed.

Both groups, of course, are totally free to express themselves as they chose.

For professionally designed residential interior spaces, the laws of physics and the elements and principles of aesthetics must be used.

When everything else is in balance, old or new should not be a factor in the design.

When you are designing your residence primarily for your desired hierarchy of status, you should evaluate very carefully and very thoroughly which is more important to you – excellent design or egoism.

Food for thought.