With younger generations gradually coming into adult life in significant numbers for living spaces and businesses, there is an increased movement toward casualness in their chosen style of living and working and shopping.
A gradual change from the old to the new has always taken place in all aspects of life for growth during the ages.
This change is currently more prevalent in business interiors that residential interiors because the purposes of businesses is to produce things and provide services which is determined in today’s market place with its demographics and constantly changing conditions by new inventions and discoveries, economic conditions, costs, efficiency, popularity and life styles.
Status and hierarchy, which will probably be a part of some professions and businesses for times to come, are not important in most of the new and upcoming and changing enterprises of today’s time in which the emphasis for interiors is on flexibility, diversity, comfort, convenience, spaciousness, excellent options and conditions for natural and man made light, a relationship between interiors and exteriors, and emotional and psychological feelings of belonging and involvement.
For residential interiors, the situation is just the opposite. There is a strong tendency to retain and continue the ways, life styles, and designs of the past. Status and hierarchy play a large important role in how houses are designed and built along with landscaping, locations, et cetera. Just drive around any residential neighborhood and count the houses that are not built using past period designs.
While there are some movements in residential interiors toward more casual living and spaces, such has not reached the level as for business interiors or become as prevalent in the current building of houses.
One can have a casual life style in a more restricted traditional environment, but when the interior design and life style are of the same ambiance, it is more comfortable, convenient, deeper, and more enjoyable.
We are more emotionally involved in our residential living spaces than in our working spaces which is, of course, a major factor in choosing how we manifest both of them.
Human behavior is very complex and made of many variable and various elements.
For the best end result in all of human behavior, “to thine own self be true” which can also be essential for your business and living environments.
Food for thought.