No residence is complete with out a kitchen sink.
It’s a basic necessity for the activities of cooking, eating, drinking, and cleaning of foods and objects used in the processes.
How can the kitchen sink be used for financial and environmental advantages as well as being convenient?
Think of what is involved in the consumption of bottled water. From beginning until plastic bottle is discarded. The manufacturing of containers and water, transportation, packaging, consumption, resources, and distribution of products and of empty containers. What effects do all of these processes have on our environment from chemical reactions to air pollution to landfills. How much do all of these activities cost financially?
All for a drink of water.
With a water filtering system at the kitchen sink all of the negative aspects associated with bottled water can be eliminated.
Money is saved. Resources are saved. The environment is saved.
Is it not worth such a positive and desirable activity to maintain the planet which is our home?
Food for thought.