
Creation: “The act of making, creating, or inventing, to bring into existence.” Webster’s Dictionary

It is the quality and quantity of creating that determines the aesthetic level of a designed residential interior.

It is not the costs involved. rarity of items used, scheduling, locations, names, status, popularity, materials used, resources used, et cetera which determines the aesthetic results.

It is how these, and all of the other aspects of a project, are put together that determine aesthetic results.

Having the finest cooking facilities in the world and the best ingredients in the world does not make a delicious meal.

It how these food stuffs are prepared, cooked, and served that make the delicious meal.

The same concept is true for designed residential interiors. Using imagination, functions, principles of aesthetics, out of the box thinking, forward thinking, creativity, and intelligence for the doing of a residential interior manifests the highest level of aesthetics.

If in the eating, which last for a few minutes, of food stuffs you want that which is the most appealing and pleasurable, would it not be of the same principle to have your residential interior environment, in which you spend hours each day, the most beautiful?

What is the creative level of where you live? How does it affect your quality of existence?

Food for thought?