One of the publications that comes across my desk periodically, which calls itself the international authority for interior design, lately devoted an issue to taste makers.
Taste, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is individual preference, aesthetic quality, discernment, and appreciation.
In every day language your personal taste is what you like.
This publication, and often others, present the personal life styles, residential environments, likes, and choices of the featured individuals.
The inferred goal of such publications is that being such is good and can be copied or used as a reference guide for one’s own residential environment. And, be being published is this periodical gives such validity.
Most often, these featured persons have the supposed quality of being suitable for such because of their status. Be it social-economic, popularity, ancestry, connections, being famous, celebrity, being well known, or personal achievements.
In evaluating the merits of such presentations there are two aspects to consider.
First, what are the talents, educations, experiences, information, qualifications, creativity, imagination, do ability, et cetera that validate these people presenting such and what and how does such relate to your life style and residential environment? Is there something here that can be learned to raise the level of your personal tastes? Or, is it merely mass fodder to sell magazines?
Secondly, if your personal taste is what you like, and it is, which is more preferable? Going down their path way or finding and following your own expression? Do want to be one of the masses or your own self?
Food for thought.