Design or Decoration

Viewing some of the residential interiors which have been selected as the best of the last 100 years by a well known shelter publication, it becomes more clear of the the difference between interior designer and interior decorator.

Most of those done by a decorator appear to be primarily as a space filled with objects (often as many as possible and as different as possible with the walls, floors, and ceilings in the same vein of thought) which manifest a result reflecting the personality (and often the socio-economic status) of the doer.

Fully expressed emotions over ride the intellect.

It has always been my position that residential interior design is not an Easter basket to be filled with as many goodies as possible.

The examples of residences done by interior designers take into consideration the walls, floors, and ceilings of the space and everything that goes into the space as affecting each other and the composition there of so that the end result manifest a balanced whole composition.

It flows together as a complete symphony.

Decoration is more emotion and design is more intellect.

Look at and appreciate both choosing the one which best reflects your personality.

Food for thought.