
Even though it is not as prominent today for some people as in the past, there are still those people who follow trends especially those in some of the more popular shelter magazines.

These sources are filled with cute and do-it-your-self “ideas” to make changes in your residential space.

While these doings may make a shallow temporary change to the ambiance they are more emotional and decorating than intelligence and design.

If a residential interior space is well designed intelligently, there exists no needs to make changes. Such spaces are complete, balanced, and full on their own merit.

A secondary effect of those people who do and follow these trends is that they get caught up in the movements and loose sight of the results that can be achieved by designing intelligent long lasting results.

Would you prefer to have a series of fast food meals or opt to dine on well planned meals.

Of course, money and other resources are factors in what is chosen to be done. The most deciding factor is not the amount of money in the budget, but how that money and other resources are expended.

Higher long lasting beautiful residential spaces can be achieved when the best possible use is made of what is available that can be used.

With enough thought, planning, research, and designing, any residential space, regardless of the factors involved, can be designed to a high intelligent aesthetic level that will have no need to be trendy.

Which do you choose?

Food for thought.