Much of my life I have heard the ism: “The customer is always right.“.
About what is the customer right and what is right?
According to Webster, right’s definition is “agreeable to a standard”.
What is this standard and who determines it?
In this vein of thinking, when it comes to residential interior design, there are two options.
You can be a customer, or you can be a client.
If you choose to be a customer, you only want some one to sell you home furnishings for your resident.
If you choose to be a client, you want some one who will apply the principles of aesthetics and the laws of physics to make your residential spaces the most beautiful and functional for your life style.
Do you want a beautiful residential environment that is a manifestation of your personality, or do you want to be ” right ” ?
The choice is yours.
Your choice should be based on what you want for the final results of the project.
Food for thought.