Recently, there came across my desk pictures of the interiors of some residences of the 1%.
These houses start in the four hundred million dollars range. Which is, incidentally, more money than I personally made all of last year. Lol.
The most outstanding design aspect of these houses was how big they are as if bigger sizes equals a higher level of quality.
The question kept going through my mind? How and why would you want twenty-one bathrooms in your residence? Really? How many people are there in your family who live with you?
With all of the resources available to these owners, only about half of these interiors were well designed.
The guiding design principles on some were: How can I impress people? What and what quantity are the most expensive things that can be done? My expressions are to trump all else.
All of which just goes to show that spending money doesn’t in and of itself manifest in good interior design results.
If many of these people had expended resources on intelligent and quality aesthetics by some one who could produce such results, like me, they would have come out miles ahead in the quality of the design results in their residential environment.
In expending resources, is it not better to choose those expenditures which will manifest in the highest possible level of quality results?
Quantity and quality are distantly different.
Food for thought.