
Beauty is of merit in and of itself.

It is the highest intangible expression of the physical world in which we live.

Presently, this world is in a trying, unhealthy, challenging, and dire situation at the same time much of the world’s population celebrates what is generally called the ” the most wonderful time of the year “.

Thusly, it is more important than usual for us to seek the beauty that is around us.

Physical beauty is all around us in many shapes and forms, in many places, and on many levels.

To seek, look, enjoy, and appreciate every possibility for beauty gives us hope, nourishment, and joy.

It matters not of your age, sex, country, or religion, beauty if there for you if you earnestly seek it.

During these perilous times, make a special effort to improve your life and being by being receptive to beauty where ever you are.

Food for thought.