Taste as related to personal taste which is not about what you eat or the guidelines and standards in manners and social graces but what affects you personally is the definition of the word used here.
Taste, for residential interior design, refers to the preferences of the choices you make in your living environment.
There are many factors which determine the choices we make for our residential interior designs.
Early childhood experiences are a big factor and well as influencing experiences through all of our lives.
Such makes sense as we can relate to why these preferences are made.
Another factor which might not be as obvious is what is in us from our ancestors.
What is in us can be traced back to the initial stages of humans existence.
We may not be aware of it but it is there.
One’s personal taste for residential aesthetics can be educated and enhanced through various means, but underneath it all there is some element of our personal taste from some aspect of our past that will come up and be manifest in our aesthetics choices.
We are all human beings with billions of activities going on in our brain constantly which affect the tangible and intangible manifestations of how we live.
Seeking to know and understand ourselves increases the quality of our living experiences.
Food for thought.