
During the history of man’s civilization the domestication of sheep has played a large role for wool and food in many parts of the world and in some situations still does.

Sheep are not known for their intelligence or independence of behavior but for a strong following for their directions.

When it comes to their residential environment, some people are like sheep and follow.

They follow trends.

They do what is popular.

They have the latest and the newest.

Appearances are important.

What others might think or like becomes a factor in their decisions.

It is very important to conform and fit in.

And then, there are some, like me and hopefully you, who are independent, free thinking, intelligent, et cetera who choose to find and execute their own path for their residential environment.

To the best of my current knowledge, we only have one opportunity to live our lives as human beings on this planet.

What we experience in our lives is determined by the choices we make in expending the resources of life.

What choices do you make for the residential environment in which you choose to spend your life?

Food for thought.