During the years of my profession when I inform some one of what it is that I do, the most often response is their telling me about the source of their furniture.
There are many in the furniture industry and profession who identify themselves as interior designers.
Furniture in and of itself is not interior design.
Furniture is a small, but very important small, part of an interior space of about 6-7%.
Look at your entire interior residential space including walls, floors, ceilings, etc. and evaluate how much of that cubic space is actually furniture.
Look at all of the design elements in the space: lines, forms, colors, masses, and textures. How much is composed of furniture?
The level of consciousness with which we look at life, as well as our residential environments, determines what we see, the depth, width, and and height of what we see, and the quality there of.
What is the level at which you choose to look, see, and experience your residential environment?
Food for thought.