” Mediocrity : of moderate or low quality ” Webster
In many aspects of their lives, in small and large areas, many people choose to be mediocre.
Why? For reasons, and some times excuses, known, and some times unknown, to them mediocrity is the principle with which they have chosen to live their lives.
How does this chosen principle in relationship to our interior residential environment, which is one of the most important physical parts of our environment, affect our day-to-day living and the quality of our existence?
Our psychological, emotional, behavioral, functional, productivity, and uses of time are affected by our residential environment, both aesthetically and practically, so that it is a great merit priority.
How important is it to you that the food you eat taste the best that it can and that you make the necessary efforts to achieve that goal?
Therefore, would it not worth expending the necessary resources to achieve that same level of quality in your residential interior environment?
Food for thought.