Couch and Longest Wall

Over the time that I have been in this profession, I am never ceased to be amazed at the lack of knowledge expressed by people from many walks, backgrounds, and social, economic, and educational levels when it comes to what is residential interior design when it is obviously what is the definition of the words.

One executive immediately proclaimed that he was my competition because he worked for a department store chain which sold furniture which implies that residential interior design to him is the buying and selling of furniture.

One socially prominent and wealthy woman, after a tutorial on the subject, proclaimed that you always put the couch on the longest wall as if such was the only factor involved.

One well educated woman felt compelled to laugh at and put down a contemporary interpretation of traditional houses in her neighborhood because it did not fit in with her background and life style.

One socially and status conscious man was disturbed almost to the point of legal action because he did not like the design of a proposed new house in his neighborhood as if his position is the standard which all others are to manifest.

The examples go on.

While in this country we have the freedom to express our opinion, such does not validate our opinions.

Unless you are directly affected, it is wise to look for excellent standards and manifestations of residential designs instead of proclaiming the superiority of what you like unless you are qualified to make such a statement because of education, experience, talent, and proven abilities.

Those who make statements with out validity only proclaim to the world their ignorance and inferiority.

Food for thought.