Farm House

New housing developments that feature homes built in the “farm house” style show up in the residential building current information that comes across my desk.

What makes a house a “farm house” such if it is not built on a working farm?

People often get carried away with definitions beyond reality when describing residences.

Once, being served a drink at a bar set up in the “library” at a party in a very expensive and snobbish neighborhood, I noticed that the only literary works in the room were books in a wallpaper border around the room.

A real estate agent once described a house as french because it had a two angled roof.

Different traits, characteristics, and uses can be successfully incorporated into residential designs, inside and outside, but call a spade a spade.

In the same vein, it is important, functional, and practical to build residences appropriately for the weather and environment where they are to be located.

People often build beach houses to reflect their social and economic status in using many different styles instead of what is appropriate for ocean side living. Along comes a hurricane and every thing is destroyed. Gee. I wonder why.

In, again, the same vein, people will build a house in the desert and want lots of greenery.

It is the essence of good aesthetics that what is done is appropriate for what it is and where it is and how it is to be used.

The accurate, functional, appropriate, and aesthetic elements of concepts and the physical manifestation there of in residential composition always produce the best results.

If you are not interested in producing the best results, you are wasting your time reading this blog.

Food for thought.