This edition is late because of technical difficulties and is an observation as I am not an authority on residential real estate.
There was a news report on a national network of a house, in this country, that was sold this spring for $51,000 and was sold for $375,000 this fall which is an increase of over 700%.
As if that were not enough, there was a foot note that this house was not up to snuff and was torn down to build a more desired and better quality house.
When, where, and how will it all end?
For many of the people who live and own houses in this country, their home is their biggest or one of their biggest financial investments.
The current market is thus excellent for some people and very challenging for others.
Owning your own home is a major goal for most of the population and is a big feature and part of the American dream.
We are fortunate in this country that we can afford to and have the option of purchasing our own homes.
In some countries on this planet purchasing your own home is not an option and in other countries 70 to 80% of people’s income is spent on housing costs.
So where are we in this country on residential marketing and where is it going to go and what, if anything, can you or I do about it?
“The times, they are a changing”
Food for thought.