“to see us”

“Oh, that God the gift would give us to see ourselves as others see us.”

Robert Burns

What do you thinks others see and think about you when they see the interiors of your residential living spaces?

What would you like for them to see and think of your residential living spaces?

Some people want every thing to look old as they perceive such gives them a higher “old money” status.

Some people want every thing to look new and costly as they perceive such shows their economic status.

Some people want every thing to be the latest trend, or fashion, or newest, or best et cetera as they perceive such makes them current and with “it”.

Some people want to show how they did every thing the least expensive and most efficient and money saving way which makes them look smart, wise, and sharp.

Some people don’t care how it looks or what others might think of them.

Some people are of the position that what others see and think is of the highest priority and trumps every other factor and consideration.

Some people leave it totally to chance and roll of the dice and such is where they choose to be and live with it.

There are infinite reasons, emotionally, intellectually, socially, economically, traditionally, et cetera, of how and why people live in their residential interior spaces.

The golden rule is to be your self and live in the residential interior spaces that are functional and comfortable for your personality traits and life style using the laws of physics and principles of design to manifest the highest level of qualities, aesthetically and materially, economically feasible.

Food for thought.