
When it comes to the design of our residences many people are afraid of change.


The most common response is related to the familiarity of what we know vs what is new.

Behavior testing validates this position in the majority of instances.

Another major factor is that, of high importance to some people, what is “old” is of a higher status that that which is “nouveau riche”.

Looking at houses all across this country how many do you see that are of designs of the present day vs designs of past periods of history?

Some people are just too lazy, afraid, or don’t have the confidence to make a change.

Other people are too heavily influence by others, friends, neighbors, relatives, to make their own decisions.

Others are subservient to conformity.

Have you notices that some housing areas all conform to the same designs and in some areas this conformity is required or rule or law.

What is new or old is neither good or bad design based on that factor alone.

Only that which manifest it’s time of becoming is of merit.

Food for thought.