fashion colors

One sees in various media, paint stores, hardware stores, and other places information about colors which are advertised as new colors, colors of the year, et cetera. Due to the chemical composition of the elements that make up the materials of which the reflection makes the color, new colors are are constantly being discovered. Such is the situation since mankind started using colors. It is always good to have more colors available which gives us more choices in the situations where we use colors. The question to be asked is – what is the best color to use for the design? Is the new color the best for the design or is it more fashionable? Do you even like the new colors? Will the new colors become dated and out of fashion? New colors are an important factor in clothing, cosmetics, fabrics, et cetera. We don’t change our residential interiors as often as we change the clothes, cosmetics, and fabrics we use. Our residential interiors should be designed to last for decades and not to be changed seasonally or yearly as are things like clothes and cosmetics. Well designed interiors become classics and not dated. How important is it to you to be fashionable in the choice of colors for your residential interiors? Because something is new does not necessarily make it good design. It merely means it is new. You have to decide what is most important to you and what reflects your personality and lifestyle.

Selecting a color is more often an emotional than intellectual choice.

Food for thought.