
Over the course of civilization history there have been many different manifestations of proper indoor foot wear.

Some cultures went bare foot and some still do even today.

There has been much residential news recently about many of today’s resident’s who request, or require, any one coming into their interior space to remove their foot wear.

Some offer some type of foot covering for indoor use and some don’t.

The reasoning behind this behavior is to prevent germs found on foot wear from coming into their residence.

While I am not a scientist, it is my understanding that germs are every where present and it is of merit to avoid germs as much as possible for our health. But, as is possible in many aspects of life, things can be taken to an undeserving extreme.

While it is true that foot wear picks up germs basically every where we walk, how much does eliminating foot wear indoors really, seriously, and of merit promote indoor health?

If some one requires you to remove your foot wear indoors, does that mean that their floors and their feet are germ free?

If required to walk bare foot on their floors are you not exposed to their germs?

Of course, there may be exceptions to this rule and some people cannot walk comfortably or safely with out some type of foot support.

What are your thoughts and positions of this increasing movement?

Send me an e-mail. let’s know what you think.

Food for thought.

CBS: “unshakable commitment to creativity, beauty, and authenticity”

From recent broadcast featuring author.