
How do you feel about where you live?

Going up and above basic shelter reguirements, location, financial involvements, comfort, legal address, et cetera, what do you actually feel about where you live?

What emotions do you experience when being at or thinking about where you live?

Do you look forward with anticipation to being at home or is it just another to do activity?

Is it a gas station for living, a temporary fix for your present life, or just a basic life necessity?

In the aspects of human behavior, according to scientists in that field, emotions over rule the intellectual in personal behavior choices.

At the highest level of human behavior, where you live should be your home.

According to Webster, your home should be a “congenial environment where the heart is”.

It should also be a place of joy and pleasure and beauty.

Home “is where it‘s at”.

Many people go through life not really caring about their residential environment.

They miss a lot of living.

Isn’t that what life is to be about: living?

The quality of your residential interior design is a major factor in the level of quality you experience in personal living.

What level of passion do you experience for where you live?

Food for thought.