Smart Houses

Recent information coming across my desk shed a different light on smart houses.

Cars have become increasingly computerized to monitor more vehicle functions and operations with out human action. And movements are underway where driving itself is accomplished with out people participation.

Thusly, there are such movements toward more functions, operations, and controls of the home.

The best and most effective temperatures and lighting systems can now be adjusted by computer.

Smart kitchen appliances have their cooking and storage functions directed by computers.

Security and entrances to residential buildings can be controlled by electronic devices.

You can even have selected music follow your physical movements through out your house.

All of which is a path toward our physical residential interior environment experiences being regulated by electronic devices and not human actions.

These different systems can even be operated off premises by cell phones.

Electronics are not my area of expertise, but their arrival in the interior design of residences is within the scope of my profession.

One manufacturer assembles all of these systems in motor vehicles.

In residential construction these systems may be from different manufacturers and are not always together on the same “beam” which can lead to problems especially when their functions overlap.

If all of the different systems of a smart house are under one interrelated unit, what happens when one or more become inoperable for what ever reasons?

Is it wise, practical, safe, or comfortable to have “all of your eggs in one basket”?

How much non-person control is comfortable with your psyche?

Which one is the servant and which one is the master?

Food for thought.

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