
In the world of fashion, especially women’s clothes, there are often two types of selection.

Those who choose short term to follow trends with the latest designs which show names and labels.

And those who choose long term the best quality, best fitting, and best designs which are congruent with their personality and life styles and which have no visible names or labels.

The first broadcast to the world and the second is quiet confidence.

While the choices we make for our residential interior environments are more long term and not as subject to fashion changes, there are similar principles involved.

While there are constant updates, trends, and new things available in the home furnishing and building industries it is not always of merit to select such.

Before making a final selection for each and all of the different aspects that make up the total of your personal living spaces ask your self the following types of questions.

Why do I like it, does it fit me comfortably physically, psychologically, intellectually, and emotionally, is it functional for my life style activities, how will I react to it several years down the road, does it’s aesthetics excite me, will it become dated, will I become bored or tired of it, is it a good investment for the resources expended to obtain it, et cetera?

Are the selections being made for me or what will make the residence more saleable in the future?

Trends, what’s new, popular, et cetera are not good or bad in and of themselves but why they are selected that is of quality merit.

Food for thought.