
It has been said that the biggest commodity in the world is opinion.

And it’s usually free and in abundant supply.

Coming in at a close second is free advice of which much is not always sought.

Current media outlets are constantly presenting advice, trends, markets, what’s new , et cetera, of current information regarding the housing industry.

From this great quantity of possible choices how can one select a wise pathway?

From whom does this advice come?

What information, education, qualifications, skills, and experience does the giver of such have to validate their position?

What is the reason behind their giving of such?

Is it to manifest their personality traits, sell you some thing, express current culture, gain viewership, or what?

Is it advice or personal prejudices?

Is this advice relevant to your current life style situation and important there of for the fulfillment of who, what, and where you are?

What are the financial benefits qualities goals of this advice for both the giver and receiver?

Who is paid to give it and who pays to receive it?

It has been said that advice, sought or not, freely given is generally not worth the paper upon which it is written. (You do remember what information written on paper is don’t you?)

What is the aesthetic quality and source of advice that you employed for your current interior living environment and how important is such for you?

Your environment affects your experience there in?

Food for thought.