The Color Black

The colors that we see are determined by the light that reflects off of a surface.  If all of the light is reflected off of the surface, what we see is white. If all of the light is absorbed by the surface, what we see is black. The colors that we see in between are determined by the chemical composition of the surface on which the light shines. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has experimented and sought to find chemical compositions to produce colors to expand our expression of aesthetics. And the search still continues. Color is a big part of all physical objects in existence.

Colors are determined by the laws of physics. Colors are totally physical. They have no non-physical elements, traits, or characteristics. Yet, as human beings, we attribute emotions and psychological traits to our reactions to them. As such, we project our reactions on to colors and behave accordingly. Color is a very big factor in human behavior.

Which brings us to the color black. In theory, one could say that black and white are not colors because they don’t reflect colors, but how else would you describe them?

Coco Channel said that every woman should have a little black dress. And there are a lot of women still wearing black dresses to dress up events. The primary color for men’s tuxedos is black. There are social events described as “black tie”. Black is thus used for chic fashion and formality.

Black is a very popular color for women’s under garments  and stockings and is promoted for it’s sex appeal. It is suggested that such black items make a woman alluring, desirable and feminine. Black is sexy.

Religious orders often use standard black uniforms for their personnel to give an air of dignity and seriousness. Black limousines are used much the same plus as a symbol of money and status. College caps and gowns used for graduation ceremonies are traditionally black. Black is serious and dignified.

Black is in our culture considered the appropriate clothing for funeral wear and is often used as being associated with death. There have been times in our culture when there was an industry exclusively for mourning attire. The disastrous plague that killed much of Europe was known as the black death. Bad and depressing feeling are often described as black moods. When certain living organisms die, they turn black. Black is death.

Black is used some times as a “catch all” in some situation, especially clothing, because it is a”neural color” and thus goes with every thing. Black is often used in maintenance places because it”doesn’t show dirt” and thus is easier to maintain. “In the black” is used to describe a business that is making money and profitable. Black is versatile.

Black is thus classified as a color that is chic, fashionable, serious, sexy, formal, dignified, goes with everything, doesn’t show dirt, mourning, versatile, and is still neutral and profitable. Can something be mourning and sexy at the same time? What a mouthful. Black is inanimate and is not affected by any of this. It’s all in our head.

Food for thought.