Shout or Whisper

Much has come across into my life practicing this profession about the different manifestations of shouting vs whispering for aesthetics, psychological, physical, emotional, intellectual, background, cultural, fashion, and class status.

Shouting is portrayed as uncouth, nouveau riche, and lower class social prestige status where as whispering is luxurious quiet quality wealth and upper class with characteristics of old money even if only in appearance. Old money is generally considered more desirable and the highest social and prestige level.

What difference does such make in the design appearance for the environment on one’s daily living spaces?

The main difference is that shouting emphasizes the presence of the very obvious quantity of money where as whispering emphasizes quality of possessions, backgrounds, and life styles experiences.

Shouting is loud, boisterous, and”look at me” vs whispering which is subtle, quiet, and non-intention seeking.

Shouting is trying to impress by flaunting logos, labels, prices, and names where as whispering does not and let’s materials and design quality noiselessly be confident and present and has no need or desire to impress.

Both expressions are found over many different professions, families, politics, and lifestyles.

In theory, the quality level of aesthetics is determined by the degree of principles of aesthetics where such is desired and used.

And the question comes up: How much of these reactions is based on logical intelligent principles evaluations and how much is based on pure snobbery?

How important is one’s status and what role does it play in one’s life?

In your life’s experience of seeing residential environmental living spaces how do you react to such including the ones in which you live?

Food for thought.