
For what ever reasons some people are arrogant of which they may or may not be aware.

In the manifestation of theses traits there is often a pontificating of positions or knowledge.

As such they miss a lot of possibilities and higher levels of quality.

In the choices made for their personal living environments such can lower the living experience of all occupants who ever live there.

Tradition, emotions, culture, popularity, et cetera can and do play roles here.

Residences usually last longer than the occupants for which they were built.

While it is important to include your personal traits it is also important to think of the decades long existence of the house as a composition in and of itself.

When you make permanent choices to a residential structure do you consider both?

Get out of your box and open your life to higher and greater qualities of living.

Using intelligently the principles of aesthetics and the laws of physics together can enhance the quality of the living experience for both aspects.

What have you considered in the choices you have or will make for where you live?

Food for thought.