Art is to a designed interior space as seasonings are to food. It’s a small element in the overall composition, but it makes a world of difference in the final flavor and ambiance.
Surrounding your self with beautiful works of art makes you feel good psychologically, emotionally, and intellectually. Art can satisfy you like an excellent meal only it lasts for ever (and you don’t have to do the dishes.).
Art is not just paintings, drawings, printed, and other two dimension objects, but comes in all shape and sizes. An entire room and all of the furnishings and objects in it can be works of art.
The more you look and educate yourself (in what ever way that might be) the more you will become sensitive to what is beauty and what is you. You will react positively to what works aline with the atoms in your brain and thus you find attractive and satisfying.
One should view, analyze, study, and appreciate art not only for it’s physical characteristics of aesthetics, but also for the intelligence, imagination, spirituality, thought, and creativity that goes into making it and is part of it’s merit. In viewing, all of these characteristics should “grab” you which great art always does and is timeless.
Some people can afford to purchase a single work of art for over four hundred million dollars. I am not one of those people. Any one on any budget can collect art and have it in their residential environment even if it means just cutting out pictures from publications and buying posters. Then, there are art fairs, local shows, galleries, and auctions for works of arts. You can also hire artists to make specific works for you.
I started collecting what was for me works of art a small boy. Any attractive picture in any printed medium I would cut out and put on my walls. In college, I went to student exhibits and studios. In the work world, I went to auctions and galleries. When you start looking and acquiring, things will come to you, and you will find your own pathway to art and beauty. It is a life long journey of seeking, learning, exploring, growing, appreciating, and enjoying the trip and the stops and rewards along the way.
You should always buy the best art that you can afford and keep it for as long as you can. It is important to purchase art that attracts you, but try to grow and expand your horizons in your purchases. Don’t let your self get comfortable and in a rut.
It never rings true for those people who buy art for status and instant ancestry. The same applies for people who purchase art as an “investment” and are always telling you what they paid and how much it s worth now. They never “get” the work of art and always appear as a hypocrite.
Through out all history, art has lasted through all pulls and thrusts of religions, politics, governments, economics, races, climates, and through all physical aspects of time. Art reflects the level a civilization has reached.
Art endures!
What is the status of art in your residential environment, life, and our civilization?
Food for thought.