A Beautiful House

” If I were asked what is the most important production of art and the thing to be most longed for, I should answer: a beautiful house”. William Moran

What a beautiful and profound statement: A house as an important production of art for which to be longed.

Art in which to live.

During all of our trials and tribulations, experiencing all of our various emotional states, having many different levels of energy, in all kinds of weather, to have some thing which is always there for us, a beautiful house can nourish and comfort us.

An aesthetic sanctuary not only, but a place to be and live.

During the epidemic that is now happening all over the world, a beautiful house can be our harbor of safety.

During this time of social isolation, look at, think about, live in, be, and appreciate the beautiful house in which you live what ever and where ever it may be.

Beauty is every where. We merely have to look for it.

In doing such, you will not mere be existing, but be living.

And isn’t the ultimate goal of life to live it to the fullest?

Do it!

Food for thought.