The sky was blue. The clouds were white. The plants were green. The air was clean.
Such was the air environment when I was growing up.
Times have changed.
Alas. Now the quality of the air environment is a major challenge in countries world wide.
In the content that comes across my desk daily about the housing industry in this country, the quality of the interior air is a major concern for home owners and potential buyers of homes.
There are many factors involved in this change ranging from global warming to the chemical composition of building materials and home furnishings used today.
For what ever reasons of the cause of unhealthy air and what is being or not being done about it, the problem is real, it’s here, and we have to deal with it.
Of all of the current and future methods available to assure clean and healthy air for the interior of our residences, we need to keep in mind the laws of physics and the principles of aesthetics when taking such actions in our homes.
Think of that which is done to provide clean and healthy air for our residential interior environments as one of the elements in the composition there of.
With intelligent thinking, planning, and coordination of all parties involved, the interior spaces of your home can be healthy as well as beautiful with all of the elements manifest into a complete whole.
Where are you and what are you doing or not doing for the quality of air and beauty in you residential environment?
Food for thought.