Looking at residences that have been built by mankind since the beginning of such, the ones that have been successful aesthetically are the ones that have used the laws of physics and the principles of aesthetics.
As civilization has moved through, grown, improved, and advanced during the ages, the knowledge, materials, environment, and conditions of it’s time have affected what is done.
The best results have been and will be gained when residences are constructed using that which is best for the project from the past and current times.
It is good to use from past periods those aspects which are timeless, applicable, and appropriate. However, it is not good to live in the past.
Human behavior is complex involving many aspects which affect our choices in building our residences.
We build houses to last for decades and longer. Therefore, that which is wise and best for the complete whole of the project for the long term should guide our thinking and decisions.
Food for thought.