“My experience is what I attend to” William James
How do you experience the residential environment in which you live?
Is it a space you enjoy and in which you look forward to being?
Or, is it much like a service station, which is true for many people, where you eat, sleep, dress, and take care of the basic necessary requirements of a place to exist?
An aesthetically pleasing and functional residential environment which reflects your personality and life style can be a strong positive force which flows into the experiences you have in other of your life’s activities.
Research in the area of human behavior has shown this approach to be real.
Mother nature takes care of what it does and the results manifest.
In our personal environments, what we, as individuals, choose to do in taking actions, making efforts, and extending resources determines the experiences we manifest in our lives.
Simply put, it is left up to you.
What you experience in your residential environment is very simply what you choose to attend to.
Food for thought.