We are all familiar with the practice of doing things your self rather than hiring some one to do it.
There are also personal and professional concepts that some people insist upon using for their personal residential interior space.
The engineer must have his house done in the most efficient, economical, and functional manner. There is to be no emotion or decoration. The results are to be determined by math and science completely. Surprise! The resulting residence looks and feels like an engineering project and not a home.
For those people whose status is second only to breathing, although it is never discussed or acknowledged, and whose goal is to look like old money and aristocracy, every thing must be old, faded, and well worn by use. Up to date lighting is deemed too commercial and is not allowed. Modern conveniences are only allowed for the barest extreme necessities. Any thing that is mass produced is frowned upon. While these people are pleased living with such results, to others it may appear stuffy, stale, uncomfortable, pathetic, sad, and lacking in desirability.
Then, there are those people who select a different direction in that every thing must be the newest possible and manifest the current trends as if their life style requires them to live in the current moment. Any thing which does not reflect such is chastised and banned. The down side of designing in this style is that fashions change and such interiors easily become dated and start looking out of place.
There is another group which I have encountered whose joy is in shopping at garage and yard sales and proclaiming what they have discovered and now own. They relish this residential living environment. For all of their searching, exploring, and discoveries, there is not any thing in their house that is of quality merit.
Then, there is the building contractor, residential or commercial, who builds his own house. It is to manifest all of the concepts and ways of doing things and materials learned and used over the course of his business history. It is a show place for what they do. They are set in their way of doing things and that is how it is going to be and no outside influence is going to affect their results.
We are all individuals with our unique personalities and are free to express ourselves.
What ever your personality or profession, one will not achieve desirable quality aesthetic results with out applying the principles of aesthetics and the laws of physics.
What is your diy concept and how has it, or not, manifest itself in the residential interior environment you have chosen for your self?
Food for thought.