Recently came across a study which again verifies the affect that our environment has on our behavior.
This study focuses on home offices that were a result of the restrictions brought about from the virus, but the principles involved apply to all of our interior environments.
The goal is to work in an environment that makes the most effective and productive uses of our time and isn’t that what the goal of working should be?
A place where what needs to be done can be done without distractions and which enhances results for time spent.
A space that is congruent with our physical, emotional, and psychological needs as well as our business requirements.
Individual needs will vary per individual, but try to have excellent lighting, some access to outdoors, even if just a view, and different activities during the day to refresh and restore our energy while trying to avoid in a rut routine in a dull monotonous environment which saps our energy and enthusiasm.
A home offices is a part of our residential environment and should be manifest as such.
Any resources expended to making our working environment more effective and productive will prove to be an excellent business investment.
Food for thought.