
Since my childhood I have been aware of the behavior of many people who are thinking of building a new house, remodeling their present one, or those who live in high rise residences.

They will spend much of their research and planning time driving around looking at new houses and new developments and what ever else is available for them to see of present housing. And in high rises there is always talk about what some one did with their space.

They will then analyze and digest all of these options and use the results as a guide for what they plan to do.

In doings such, these people severely limit themselves and in the long run their lifestyles.

What can be done is not limited to what one sees in one’s immediate housing environment.

Get out of you box. Get out of your present state of thinking. Get out of your present neighborhood.

Think. Imagine. Explore.

Look at what is going on else where in the world that could be used and adapted to expand your thinking and your life style and are advances and options available today.

Thusly, you can raise your residential interior environment and life style to a whole new level.

And remember. What was done in residential housing in the past does not limit what can be done in this current time.

Don’t limit your thinking to what you presently see and where you presently exist.

And remember that every thing that exist was new at one time.

Of course, there probably will be people who choose to live in their present box environment and such is their choice.

Food for thought.


For most of our design decisions relating to residential interior designs we follow certain rules, most often subconsciously, which have become prevlant in our cultures over the centuries.

Such as: straight lines are best, things should match, things should be centered, surfaces should be smooth, certain colors and objects don’t go together, what was done in the past is best and should be copied, new approaches have to be questioned, designs should appeal to the masses, et cetera, and the list goes on.

To manifest the best aesthetic results in residential interior designs, questions should be asked: what is the purpose of these rules and are they the best route to take in today’s world?

It is my position based upon education, experience, and talent that rules are chosen to be used because such users are ignorant of the principles of design which is what determines the aesthetic results.

Are not results the ultimate goal?

It matters not what period of design, what size, what budget, what materials, what functions, what ambiance, et cetera, the principles of design determine the physical results.

It’s that simple.

But it requires thought, intelligence, planning, and proper execution.

So, the choice is yours.

What you choose is what you get.

What’s your choosing decision for your residential interiors?

Food for thought.


Among the current goings on in the housing industry that come across my desk are several instances where people have visited or studied or come into contact with Japanese residential designs and are inspired.

The essence of these designs seems to be simplicity.

Simple designs are intellectually complex and results manifest in a degree as naive or superior depending upon the extent that design principles are applied.

For simple residential interior designs to be successful, it is necessary that the functions of the rooms and the life styles as well as the emotional needs for the users of the room are met. Otherwise, one could end up with just a display setting.

Simple is one of many design approaches that can be used in the manifestation of residential interiors.

Always go for the long term design that is you.

Food for thought.

” To attend to “

” My experience is what I agree to attend to. “ William James

So, how important is the residence in which you live to you?

What do you do and experience in your residence that contributes to your heath, well being, comfort, life style, and joy of living?

What level of quality and what kinds of do you want your experiences to be?

What you choose to do to and with your residence determines what is your residential life.

It’s that simple.

It’s your choice.

Food for thought.

“Don’t like to wait.”

Once, I observed a sales woman trying to sell furniture immediately from off the floor to a married couple very explicitly proclaim: “Well, a man don’t like to wait.”

Many executives, business owners, professionals, MBA’s, and others in charge expect every thing they want to be manifest immediately because they say such.

In today’s world of computers, electronics, fast foods, and instant results, much emphasis is on speed and not quality or long term results.

Our society is increasingly becoming more oriented toward a fast pace life style.

You can’t distill thirty year old scotch in six months.

Some people prefer thirty year old scotch as opposed to nouveau wines .

How important is that for which you wait?

Some things in life take time to manifest and cannot be affected by computers or speed.

Some things take time and are worth the wait.

You have to decide which is more important to you: immediate results or quality results.

The interior design of residences should be thought of in terms of years and not in terms of quick delivery.

Food for thought.

Color Proclamations

Listening and observing while growing up, I became aware of certain rules, laws, customs, and positions relating to the uses of colors.

You can’t use those colors. They don’t go together.

Those colors are so ugly!

Using those colors is not in good taste.

Certain colors are masculine and certain colors are female. (In my decades of working with colors, I have never seen genitals or activity there of on any color.)

That’s a race color.

Those colors are so old fashioned and out of date.

You should only use colors that are what they are doing now.

And the number of opinions goes on.

Who makes these proclamations and what is their basis?

Colors in and of themselves have no intangible characteristics.

Through the centuries and cultures those traits have been projected by the populace on to colors.

We now live in the twenty-first century.

What was done with colors in the past in not necessarily best for the present.

In any design manifestation, any colors can be used alone or in combination with any other colors where they are the best choices for the highest level of beauty results.

With science, technology, inventions, and new materials, uncountable new colors are available to the world at large.

Get out of your box. Be free and experience the unlimited choices of colors that are available today.

Food for thought.


I don’t need any furniture. I have a house full of furniture.

I get my furniture from North Carolina.

We just bought new furniture.

I only live with furniture that I inherited.

Furniture stores are my competition.

Such are some of the replies given to me when people learn of my profession.

As if furniture is the be all and end all of interior design.

Actually, furniture is one of the smallest elements of a designed residential interior.

It accounts for about six to eight per cent of the overall volume of residential interior spaces.

Yet, many people concentrate on furniture and ignore the other over ninety per cent of the room.

Look at the total spaces and take in every thing including the walls, floors, ceiling, all of which they are made, what they do, and what contributes what to the overall design of the space.

The more you look and completely see, the more you will understand, appreciate, and enjoy the beauty there in.

Food for thought.

Interiors Speak

“Rooms emphasize wheather one exists or live and there is a great difference between the two.” Van Day Truex

During the shut in and other restrictions around the world during the past few weeks, more people are spending more time in their residences which gives one a great opportunity to look at, experience, and evaluate it.

What does the interior space in which you live say about you?

Does your interior residential space current fulfill all of the functions you need for such space?

Does this space express your personality, likes, dislikes, preferences, et cetera? In other works, does your personal space look like you?

Is this personal space beautiful? Do you like being in it? If this personal space were food, would it be delicious?

Is your personal interior residential space one in which you live and have your being, or is it one in which you merely exist?

Food for thought.

Do it!

As I write these words, the world is experiencing a situation which is affecting life on this planet as we know it.

No one knows when this situation will end and how it will affect our life styles.

These changes cause disruptions which are emotional, physical, financial, and psychological and we become angry, frustrated, and bored.

Seek to do that which is best for the health of the most and not become frustrated with our person limitations.

With all of the consequences affecting us, it is just a bump in the road.

Life exists and will continue to exist.

Do the best you can with what you have where you are and we will all come out of this experience on a higher level.

Visualize and think toward a more beautiful, healthy, and secure future.

Food for thought.


Diversity by all segments of the population has become more prominent in awareness over the last few years. Diversity’s position is that all peoples are entitled to be recognized and to participate in all activities of a society and that doing such also enhances the depth and flavor of that culture.

Some of that same principle can be applied to the interior designs of residences in this country.

One only has to look around to see that the same basic designs are produced literally in millions of houses across this country and the interiors and furnishings there of reflect the same concept.

Our lives and cultures and societies would be greatly enhanced if more people would open themselves up to more options and get out of their current box of thinking about their residential environments.

Look at types and styles of designs about which you’ve never even thought. Look at the advances made in architecture, designs, science, materials, technology, and what’s not been previously available.

Look at other countries, other cultures, and other periods of history, not to copy, but to enhance your horizons and explore how such can be used to advance and enhance our current residential environments.

Aesthetically, change from continually breathing the same air and go outside for some freshness.

The physics and principles of aesthetics still apply to all objects, times, and cultures.

Different in and of itself does not necessarily mean good.

You experience the results of the choices you make.

Food for thought.