A Beautiful House

” If I were asked what is the most important production of art and the thing to be most longed for, I should answer: a beautiful house”. William Moran

What a beautiful and profound statement: A house as an important production of art for which to be longed.

Art in which to live.

During all of our trials and tribulations, experiencing all of our various emotional states, having many different levels of energy, in all kinds of weather, to have some thing which is always there for us, a beautiful house can nourish and comfort us.

An aesthetic sanctuary not only, but a place to be and live.

During the epidemic that is now happening all over the world, a beautiful house can be our harbor of safety.

During this time of social isolation, look at, think about, live in, be, and appreciate the beautiful house in which you live what ever and where ever it may be.

Beauty is every where. We merely have to look for it.

In doing such, you will not mere be existing, but be living.

And isn’t the ultimate goal of life to live it to the fullest?

Do it!

Food for thought.


Superior: Webster: “The quality of being outstanding”.

Goldsmith Faberge started in 1842 producing exquisite items of intricate craftsmanship, detail, and beauty. They were superior and today sell for tens of millions of dollars each.

What relevance does such have to do with day-to-day life in the pandemic world in which we currently live?

Superiority is not always determined by price, but the level of quality it manifests.

Simply put, what we think determines what we become. That with which we surround our selves affects many aspects of our lives.

Few of us will obtain superior results in all of our endeavors, but awareness of superiority will motivate us to see it and in today’s pandemic world any thing that can make our lives more positive is most welcome.

Experiencing the aesthetics of our home environment can be life lifting.

Food for thought.

Looking Vs Seeing

What is the difference between looking and seeing?

Some people look and some people see.

We look with our intellectual abilities.

We see with our emotional abilities.

“Music doth calm the savage beast.”

In the same way, seeing nutures, calms, and fulfills our inner selves when we look for the beauty that is ever present in our lives.

All things have elements of beauty when we see them.

During the present environment in which the world is, it is more important than ever that we seek, see, and appreciate all the beauty that is ever present in our lives.

Light eliminates darkness. Seeing beauty can shed light on the darkness which we are now experiencing.

Choose now not just to look, but to see.

Food for thought.

His House

Much of the character of a man may be read in his house.” John Ruskin

What does your house say about you?

What does the inside of your house say about your character, priorities, and life style?

What message does it send?

Personal choices made for personal spaces reflect our personality.

What does the world see when they look at your house? What do you want people to see and think about you when they look at your house?

For many people, their house is their biggest financial and longest term investment and asset.

What is the most important personal quality and aspect of your house, emotionally and intellectually, and how do you choose to express it?

Are we not that which we choose to express?

Who are you?

Food for thought.

I don’t like it!

How many times have you heard some one unsolicitly make such a comment usually with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm?

It appears to be very important to them that you are aware of their position even when they are not a factor in the situation.


Without going into a lot of detail about the causes of human behavior patterns, it seems that they have a hunger for being acknowledged.

Other people have the same reaction when first encountering a new situation in which they are a factor.

In both types of situations, putting a hold on your first immediate emotional response, and looking at the situation from an intellectual perspective, analyzing it, and then considering all factors present makes for a more preferable reaction.

We are all human beings with our foibles and our strengths.

Being cognizant and respectful to ourselves and others in such situations can lead us to a deeper and wider experience in all areas and aspects of our lives.

These observations are especially strong in our dealings with the aesthetics of our daily environments.

Be more aware and be more alive!

Food for thought.


What does our home mean to us as people?

Our home is our shelter from the storms in life – tangible and non-tangible.

It is the base where we are our most intimate and personal selves.

Home is where we are nourished and grow away from the duties, challenges, and requirements of the outside world.

Home is where we are free to be, enjoy, and appreciate our uniqueness.

It is our chosen environment.

Home is all of these things to us and can be more if we like.

At this moment in time and this place in space, all of us on this planet are in a time and a place of unexpectedness and disorder and uncertainty.

During these universally challenging times, our homes are even more an important aspect of our lives

Living in a well deigned interior residential space, following the laws of physics and principles of design, helps make these challenging experiences easier and more comfortable.

Human kind evolves, adjusts, and grows.

When this current calamitous event is passed, we, as human beings, will emerge with enriched energy and strength and will advance to higher and better levels of experiencing our lives.

Food for thought.


Ceilings in residential interior spaces cover as much space in a room as the floors and more space that many walls. They are one important part of the three dimensional sides of the shapes that enclose the room.

Yet, most ceilings in residential spaces are only filled in and not treated as an important design element in the overall composition of the room.

The majority of residential ceilings are painted a flat white. There are standard paints that are manufactured for that purpose and are simply labeled ceiling white and require no thinking and planning for their use. It’s sort of like “ready to eat fast food”. It’s fast, cheap, and easy but has very little nutritional value.

When you make this choice, you miss a great opportunity to increase the aesthetics of the space and lessen your enjoyment of it.

When choosing what foods you eat and how you prepare them, do you not take the route to make what you eat taste as good as possible?

Why not take that approach when designing a ceiling? After all, you spend more time with a ceiling than eating food.

There are unlimited ways to achieve a beautiful ceiling. These ways are only limited by your intelligence, imagination, creativity, and sometimes budgets in manifesting them.

Is it not worth the expenditure of the necessary resources to make all parts of your residential interior spaces the most beautiful it can be for your nourishment and enjoyment?

As always in physical manifestations, the laws of physics and principles of aesthetics should be used wisely and intelligently.

Food for thought.


“With out a dressing, a salad is just a bowl of wet vegetables.”

The dressing gives the flavor of the salad and is the main ingredient in determining how the salad taste. And isn’t how it taste the biggest factor in choosing what we eat?

The same concept can be applied to the designs of one’s residential interior spaces.

With out a plan to reach the desired end results of the spaces, what results is much less functional, beautiful, and comfortable. What could be is not achieved.

In putting together your plan, it is sometimes good to have an element of the contemporary. But, be careful. If the plan is too trendy and fashionable, the spaces can easily become dated and undesirable.

Think where you want to go. Work with what you have to get there. Then, do it. Then, relish and enjoy the results.

Food for thought.

The Best

Oscar Wilde is quoted as saying: “My tastes are very simple. I am satisfied with the best.

What is the best for residential interior design to fulfill it’s raison d’etre?

Is the best the most expensive, rare, high status, classic, contemporary, beautiful, or easy?

What is the most important best: aesthetic, function, budget, quality, schedules and deadlines, preferences, newest, practical, or availability?

Is something that is expensive, functional, and beautiful better than something that equally is functional and beautiful and costs less?

For aesthetic, if something that is beautiful in and of itself better that something that is less beautiful in and of itself but fits better into the over all aesthetic composition of space?

The laws of physics and principles of aesthetics are present in all physical manifestations- best or not. To achieve the best, one must make the best use of both.

There are many aspects and factors to consider when designing a residential interior space.

Think wisely and intelligently for the long term and analyze carefully all parts and aspects of the whole space when making choices for the design of your residential interior space.

What is the best for you?

Food for thought.

Any Time & Any Where

Looking at residences that have been built by mankind since the beginning of such, the ones that have been successful aesthetically are the ones that have used the laws of physics and the principles of aesthetics.

As civilization has moved through, grown, improved, and advanced during the ages, the knowledge, materials, environment, and conditions of it’s time have affected what is done.

The best results have been and will be gained when residences are constructed using that which is best for the project from the past and current times.

It is good to use from past periods those aspects which are timeless, applicable, and appropriate. However, it is not good to live in the past.

Human behavior is complex involving many aspects which affect our choices in building our residences.

We build houses to last for decades and longer. Therefore, that which is wise and best for the complete whole of the project for the long term should guide our thinking and decisions.

Food for thought.