In the history of civilization, progress is achieved only by going forward and is a desirable goal for any human endeavor.
We don’t make any progress by returning to the past.
Yet, much of the human population does just that in certain important areas of their lives.
Computers and cell phones have become universally popular around the world in all civilizations and are becoming the primary source for communication and transfer of information in most of the areas of our lives.
When it comes to the design of residences, past designs greatly outnumber the use of today’s designs.
Such ain’t progress.
Past residential designs are known and feel comfortable for most of those who make these choices.
Past residential designs are copied and reproduced and reinterpreted to the nth degree of which much is attributed to it’s appearance as being of a superior social-economic status.
The desire for this status and ignorance of what can be achieved by today’s designing are primarily why such choices are made over intelligence, comfort, function, and residences congruent with the technology, materials beauty, energy, expenditures currently obtainable and the many options available for today’s living.
These options can produce results that are miles ahead superior for living spaces than are made by choosing to return to past residential design.
Are the choices you make for the design of your living spaces progress or regression to the past?
Which makes more progress: redesigning the past or designing with today’s world?
Food for thought.