Be Yourself

“Unto thy own self be true.” has worked itself into our language, who knows from where originally, as a wise and healthy approach to one’s life.

To reach the highest and most fulfilling levels for our selves in living as human beings it must be.

So how does this philosophy affect the residential interior environment in which we live and move and have our being?

To be at home and complete where we live at the highest level of the aesthetic experience is the ultimate experience.

So how do we go about making the choices, from the many options available, that determine our manifest residential interior environment?

Finances, time, availability, resources, et cetera are real and necessary factors in the situation.

Above and beyond these factors, what do you choose that is really you?

Trends, popularity, likes, comfort, function, markets, long term results, status, and one’s intellectual and aesthetic level are all factors at this level which can determine the final results of our chosen residential interior environment.

With imagination, creativity, and intelligence what you truly are can be expressed aesthetically.

What are your choices made to be your true self?

Food for thought.